Fertilizer Composition and Properties
MATTER | CONTENT | | | Moisture, % | 90+/-5 | рН | 7-8 | | | Concentration of Macronutrients, % on DSM* : | Total Nitrogen | 4-7 | Аmmonia Nitrogen | 2,5-4 | Phosphorus (Р2O5) | 7-12 | Рotassium (К2О) | 1-3 | | | Concentration of Micronutrients, mg/l: | | Сopper | 0,14 | Сobalt | 0,20 | Zinc | 1,8 | | | Сoncentration of Humic Substances, mg/l: | | Humic acids | 1140 | Fulvic acid | 1000 | | | E. coli index | 1-9 colony/g | Helminth eggs (viable) | none | Pathogenic Microorganisms | none | *Dry Solid Matter